We have two collection centers: Campo Verde and Nuevo Amanecer, strategically located between the 9 COCEPU bases with new 18 TN balances, calibrated annually as a guarantee of confidence for suppliers and customers, as well as reducing transport costs of small producers.
And using the plants of Neshuya (26TN/H) and Campo Verde (30TN/H) the RFF will go through the following stages:
Transported in thermal tanks, we will weigh the tank without load and in the tank section, with the approval of the supervisor, loaded. Once it is removed, the final weight will be taken out, the Weighing Ticket and the Referral Guide for the Campo Verde - Lima route will be generated, passing the same process at the reception of the cistern with the Crude Palm Oil.
In alliance with SOL DE PALMA, a consortium of Peruvian companies with extensive export logistics through container and bulk shipments, we make sure to take the oil to different countries.
Oleaginosas Amazónicas S.A 2021©
Oleaginosas Amazónicas S.A 2021©